On Monday our friends Maria and Elliot and Hector came to play. Elliot is 1 month older than me and Hector a few weeks younger than Jonathan. They are also half-swedish like us!!! I don't think Jonathan and Hector understand the point of a play-date... they just sat there with the mummys. Elliot and I on the other hand had great fun playing with my cars, riding round on my tricycle/bee and playing in the fort. We had great fun and I hope Elliot will come over to play again soon.
On Tuesday we had almost got to school when the motion of the car was too much for my tummy and I was sick everywhere so we had to turn around and go home. Mummy then had a busy morning washing me, my school bag, Jonathan's change bag, mummy's and my clothes and finally herself. We then had a quiet day at home reading stories and playing with mummy and Jonathan. As my tummy was rather empty I wanted to eat LOTS of food straight away but mummy would only give me a little at a time - the advantage was I got so many meals we ran out of names for them... pre-morning tea snack, morning tea, post-morning tea snack, fika, pre-lunch snack.... I must say it was great having so many meals in one day. For those of you who don't speak swedish, Fika is a drink and something to munch that can happen at any time of day - for grown-ups it often involves coffee. Isn't it good that my blog is educational!! I must ask cousin Jasper next time I see him on Skype if they have fika in Denmark... its such a good idea...
On Wednesday I went to school whilst mummy met some friends for coffee and then Jonathan took her to a mummys and babies group. Jonathan enjoys chatting to the other babies (especially the girls). Apparently they all chill out on a big mat together whist the mummys sit around and chat. On Friday I was at school again. I like school lots!!
Yesterday daddy and I had a swiming lesson. It was drizzling but that didn't matter - after all, the whole point about swimming is that you get wet! Mummy and Jonathan came to meet us at the end of the lesson and then we all went to my school which was having a party as it is 1 year old. It was fun to show daddy my school (Mummy and Jonathan have been before) but as it was raining we couldn't go outside so I couldn't show him my favourite car. I had my face painted for the first time in my life - a dinosaur on my cheek, played some games and had some party food (I do like fruit skewers!!). We then met Georgia and Mackenzie and their parents for lunch before heading home for nap time. Mummy and daddy haven't had time to download the photos from yesterday yet, but I've posted some from earlier in the week and will post yesterdays later.
Love Oliver