Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Little brothers...

Checking out Jonathans bed
Playing 'boats' with Jonathan

I love my little brother!

Isn't Jonathan cute when he smiles...

... and laughs

I have decided its quite fun to have a little brother, even though he takes up some of mummy's time and spends an awful lot of time asleep. He eats almost as much as me as well and is growing rapidly so I have to work hard to grow too so I don't become the little brother!!

I take being an older brother seriously and so at nursery, when mummy is feeding Jonathan I stand guard so the other children don't get too close. I also make sure they know he's MY brother not theirs - they can look but not touch!

When we were in NZ I did my best to make sure Jonathan felt at home. I pulled my 'boat' up close to his capsule so we could have a chat and I could explain to him how the world works (see photos). I also climbed up into his bed to check it out and make sure that it was as comfortable as mine. I had to be quick though as mummy doesn't always like me climbing, but I had my route all planned (daddy says planning is very important for planning/ tramping expeditions)... floor to chair... to armrest of chair... to bassinet. It worked perfectly and before mummy noticed anything (she was feeding Jonathan) I was up! (see photo).

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