Sunday, August 1, 2010

Introducing my little bro - Jonathan James Tomas Liddell


For those of you who haven't heard, my baby brother has made an appearance. Mummy and Daddy were a bit surprised as it was still a week to go until they thought he was going to arrive. I was concerned that the stork had brought the wrong baby but Mummy assured me that he was the right one - apparently Mummys would know this sort of thing.

For the record, Jonathan James Tomas Liddell was born at 4:54pm on 21 July 2010 weighing in at 3.26kg. I've heard that it was quite a quick birth and Daddy didn't even have time to park the car properly at the hospital before Jonathan arrived.

Mummy and Jonathan are both doing well. We are having competitions at the moment to see who can eat the most. For breakfast today, I had 1 & 1/2 weetbix + 1/2 a banana before polishing off 2 pieces of toast. Meanwhile Jonathan fed for 1 & 1/2 hours last night with only a kick nappy change in between. I'll leave it up to you to decide who won!

Below are some early photos of Jonathan.

Hope you enjoy them
Love Oliver
Mummy with 2 of her 3 boys...

Initial weigh-in...

Jonathan's first bath with Daddy...

An early visit by Jonathan's Godparents - Euan and Amy Williams (along with my friend Liam)

Proud parents...

Mummy introducing me to Jonathan...

All strapped in and ready for his first car trip...

With Mummy soon after arrival...

1 comment:

Song Kiếm Ngư said...

Ohh, I'm very happy to be the first person in Hanoi office of your daddy looking the pictures of your brother. So lovely and nice boy, too (like you Oliver :) ). Best wishes for your family and enjoy time in Vietnam ! :)