I am proud to announce that I have finally managed to cut a tooth that has stayed - well its been there for almost a week so mummy doesn't think that it will disappear. I have previously cut a tooth four times but each time it decided it didn't want to stay and retreated into my gum. It is one of my bottom front teeth. mummy and daddy have tried to take a photo for the blog, but I haven't let them yet... maybe soon...
Yesterday we got back from a weekend trip to Singapore. I had to go for some tests to monitor my reflux and as I am still a little young to travel on my own mummy and daddy came too. The tests were not very nice, but as I knew it had to be done I was a brave boy and didn't cry too much. Apart from my tests we spent most of the time shopping - mummy and daddy had a long list of things that apparently are a little hard to come by in Hanoi. It meant that we didn't see much of Singapore but I now count myself as an expert on Singapore malls! Amongst the shopping we did find time to catch up with Aunty Penny & Uncle Paul. Apparently the stork is booked in to visit them in a couple of months so I thought I'd give Uncle Paul some parenting practice. He seemed to cope quite well so I think he'll go okay...
Now that I'm a big boy and have achieved the grand ol' age of 9 months, mummy & daddy decided that it was time that I learnt to swim. After putting on my togs and some bright orange things that made me feel quite light it was time to brave the water! Fortunately I had mummy and daddy close by to keep me safe and I must say that I did enjoy myself a lot. I'm now looking forward to moving to our new apartment in Hanoi that has a big pool. We're moving in about a months time which gives me a bit of time yet to find all the non-baby-proofed areas of this apartment before we go... my current favorite is the kitchen... going in there guarantees me being picked up by mummy or daddy and of course when they have picked me up they can't help giving me a cuddle!
Must go as it is bath-time.
Love Oliver
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