Thursday, November 25, 2010

Jonathan and friends

Jonathan is getting much more sociable these days. here he is with some of his new friends....
J with the mouse-elephant
...with mormor and me
with mormor...
with me and tiger...
with Mr Moosey...
...story time with mormor and me
chatting with mormor ...
with me, tiger and mormor

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am TWO!!!

Helping mormor with her suitcase...
...she seemed to think the fact I could move it meant she wouldn't have excess luggage, but I am a strong boy!
Storytime with mummy
I like my puzzles
Jonathan checking out his toy
Chilling in his chair
Playing in my fort
more stories...
how's that for head control

Hello everyone!

As of last Sunday I am a big boy - I am now two! Jonathan turned 4 months the same day so it was an eventful day in our house! After breakfast on my birthday I opened my remaining presents (those I didn't open when mormor was here). Thank you to mummy, daddy, Jonathan, Grandma, Poppa, Aunty Sue, Uncle Barny and Cousin Jasper! My favourite present for the day was definitely my Duplo Lego car from Grandma and Poppa - i'll try to get mummy or daddy to take a photo of it so I can post it on my blog.

This week we have been back to our normal routine of school and time at home. On thursday we did however go into town to do some christmas shopping and meet daddy for lunch. Now that I am two I sit on my own chair and am working towards finishing a whole adult portion - I managed 2/3 which I thought was a good effort. Silly mummy thought I might be sick in the taxi on the way home as I had eaten so much but I wasn't!

Today I had my last swimming lesson for the term. After Christmas I will be moving to the next class and will be a platypus. Jonathan is also going to start swimming classes and will be a tadpole. Swimming is such fun!! When daddy and I got home from swimming we took mummy and Jonathan out for lunch. I tried to feed Jonathan some of my omelette with my spoon but mummy said hes too small to eat omelette.... ...he looked hungry to me though!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Road Rage

Party Time...

My birthday cake

Opening my present from Georgia and Mackenzie

Happy birthday to me....

Eating Cake

Playing pass-the-parcel....

...and it stopped...

Playing with the trains

Opening presents

Jonathan knows his place in the family (thanks aunty sue!)

...more presents...

Last saturday we had a party to celebrate my 2nd birthday. My birthday is not actually until tomorrow but we thought we'd have the party early so mormor could come. I am very interested in Ladybirds at the moment so mummy had done lady-bird invites and made me a ladybird cake. I had four friends who came over with their parents, Georgia, Mackenzie, Eliot and Hector. Jonathan is so little he slept through the whole party! Hector, who is Jonathan's age, watched the rest of us playing.

We had morning tea, during which everyone sang 'happy birthday' to me and mummy brought my cake out. I thought the cake looked great - mummy is really clever! I still need to work on my 'candle-blowing-out ability' as mummy had to help me again this year. Next year I will definitely do it myself.

After we had eaten I opened some of my presents (mummy and daddy have kept some for my birthday so I will tell you about those later) and we played pass the parcel. We then played with my train set that mormor and morfar gave me. We had great fun, all driving trains (and cars) round the tracks. At 12 the others had to go as it was lunch-time - driving trains is hungry work. After lunch I opened more of my presents - lots of books from mormor and my cousins in Belgium and a lego zoo set from mummy and daddy. I had lots of fun playing with all my new toys. I think Jonathan wants to play too as he is growing as quickly as he can!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My first haircut

My first haircut...
Almost finished...

Tidying away my lego bin

Jonathan is a happy one

I love jumping into the pool

Reading with Mormor

Jonathan sits up well in his new chair


Who says you can't sleep on all fours?

Jonathan playing

Jonathan sitting back and relaxing

Jonathan at tummy-time

Its been another busy week here in HCMC. On monday, mummy, mormor, Jonathan and I went out for a bit of shopping in the morning (we were checking out a new toy shop) and then met daddy for lunch in town. Its always nice to catch up with daddy at lunchtime. Mormor and I were sharing a portion of pasta with a tomato chicken and herb sauce but mormor said she wasn't very hungry so I ate 2/3 of it. Apparently people think I eat a lot, but hey, I'm a growing boy!

Tuesday and wednesday I was at school in the morning. On wednesday mummy, mormor and Jonathan picked me up from school and then went to get my hair cut.... my first ever haircut!! Apparently mummy and mormor thought I might be scared (mormor said cousin Ellinor was) but I thought it was great. I got to sit on a special chair on the hairdressers chair and then to wear a special apron. The man who cut my hair was very nice. No more baby-curls for me... I now have a 'short back and sides' style like daddy!

On thursday we had a quiet day playing at home and on Friday I had school again.



Jonathan and I thought you would like to see us at bed time (weekend morning snuggles, day-time sleeps and evening):

Weekend morning play...

We're all exhausted...

Trying out mummy's bed

Jonathan and friends...

Jonathan likes his bed as much as I do

Daddy taking me and tiger off to bed

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fun and Games

Here we are at play...

Jonathan is really good at tummy-time now...
...he lifts his head really high

Taking it easy on the watermelon

My boy-racer look...

Isn't my little brother angelic?