Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Our Crazy Life
The nice doctors in NZ saw me as soon as we got home and then I had more tests (not nice as I had to have a catheter and IV line put in). We found out that I had a blockage on my urether where it exits the kidney so I had an op in mid may. I had to spend two nights in hospital and had a general anasthetic but I was very brave and the nurses all told me I coped very well. After 6 weeks I had a second op - a day procedure this time (but still with a general anasthetic). A few days later I got a UTI so was back in hospital for another 4 nights but I am all good now. I have to have MORE tests in early august and after that the doctors will decide if I need another op to deal with my reflux. I think all this has been harder for mummy and daddy than for me!
Jonathan has just turned 1, is cruising round the furniture and is starting to feed himself. Daddy has a new job which he really enjoys. Jonathan is having a party this weekend so we'll post some pictures after that so you can share in the celebrations.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Where's daddy...
The boys in town during Tet
Sunday, February 6, 2011
After a couple of months absence, I thought it was time that I posted some more blogs so you know what Jonathan and I have been up to recently. I think I left you with some photos of my Mormor's trip to HCMC to see us. Unfortunately soon after Mormor left we received the very sad news that our Grandma (daddy's mummy) had gone to heaven. We headed back to NZ as soon as we could to be with Poppa and say goodbye to Grandma. So here's some photos of our time in NZ including some of our friends that we caught up with...
Love Oliver and Jonathan.
Oliver, Jonathan and cousin Jasper pose for our Christmas photo...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Jonathan and friends
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I am TWO!!!
...she seemed to think the fact I could move it meant she wouldn't have excess luggage, but I am a strong boy!
Hello everyone!
As of last Sunday I am a big boy - I am now two! Jonathan turned 4 months the same day so it was an eventful day in our house! After breakfast on my birthday I opened my remaining presents (those I didn't open when mormor was here). Thank you to mummy, daddy, Jonathan, Grandma, Poppa, Aunty Sue, Uncle Barny and Cousin Jasper! My favourite present for the day was definitely my Duplo Lego car from Grandma and Poppa - i'll try to get mummy or daddy to take a photo of it so I can post it on my blog.
This week we have been back to our normal routine of school and time at home. On thursday we did however go into town to do some christmas shopping and meet daddy for lunch. Now that I am two I sit on my own chair and am working towards finishing a whole adult portion - I managed 2/3 which I thought was a good effort. Silly mummy thought I might be sick in the taxi on the way home as I had eaten so much but I wasn't!
Today I had my last swimming lesson for the term. After Christmas I will be moving to the next class and will be a platypus. Jonathan is also going to start swimming classes and will be a tadpole. Swimming is such fun!! When daddy and I got home from swimming we took mummy and Jonathan out for lunch. I tried to feed Jonathan some of my omelette with my spoon but mummy said hes too small to eat omelette.... ...he looked hungry to me though!!